It is time to learn more things about computers and how different applications are used. Focusing on Computer language HTML and MS-office, our Bloom Computer Olympiad Study Book for class 8 boosts your computer efficiency and makes you tech-savvy. Bloom Computer Olympiad Study Book For Class 8 is a resource that not only tests your existing knowledge of computers but also makes you confident in your skills. Tech-Savvy is an essential skill which can be inculcated with Computer Olympiad Book comprising
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
- Fundamentals of Computer
- History of Computer
- Hardware and Software
- Operating System
- Number System
- MS Word 2016
- MS PowerPoint 2016
- MS Excel 2016
- MS Access 2016
- HTML and CSS
- Flash CS6
- Networking
- Internet and Virus
- Basis of Cyber Crime and Cyber Law
- Latest Developments in the Field of IT