Nurture and foster your General Knowledge of what is happening around the world with our Bloom GK Olympiad Study Book for class 7. Curated by experts who know the standards of all National and International Olympiads, our GK Olympiad Book is focused on developing the observational and analytical skills which helps you generate ideas or opinions that make you a well-informed individual. Thus, become a confident performer with Bloom General Knowledge Olympiad Book For Class 7 which comprises
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
- History of India and the World
- Tribal India and Established Communities
- Art and Culture
- First in India and the World
- Know Your Earth
- Continents and Oceans
- Components of Life- Air and Water
- Physical features of India (including weather and climate)
- Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
- Transport and Communication
- Constitution of India
- Indian Federalism and Governance
- Political Parties and Elections
- International Organisations
- General Awareness (Books & Authors, Award & Honours, Capital-Currencies, Reasearch Institute, Place of the World)
- Media and Entertainment
- Science and Technology
- Computers
- Sports