Knowledge of your planet, nation and society is crucial to help you understand your life and how to effectively live as a responsible citizen. Learn about your society’s history geography, politics and economy with our SST Olympiad Study Book for class 6. Prepared by a team of experts, our SST Olympiad Book helps you face all National and International competitions. With a variety of questions on different important topics, Bloom Social Studies Olympiad Study Book For Class 6 nurtures learning and fosters an overall growth of the child with its
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
- The Study of the Past
- The Early Human Beings
- The Early Cities
- Early Kingdoms, Republics and Ideas
- The First Empire : The Mauryas
- Post- Mauryan Era
- Early Villages and Towns
- New Kingdoms and Empires
- Art, Culture and Science
- Earth and the Solar System
- Globe and Motions of the Earth
- Maps
- Major Domains of the Earth
- India : A Geographical Overview
- Diversity in India and Discrimination
- Government
- Panchayati Raj & Rural-Urban Administration
- Rural and Urban Livelihood