Welcome to Bloom Reasoning Olympiad Study Book for class 3- a tool that will provide you everything that you need to boost your child’s problem solving, critical thinking and creative thinking skills. Our Reasoning Olympiad Book provides innumerable questions that not only test the skills but also nurtures it so that at the end your child is at par with all National and International standards. Develop effective cognitive skills and fosters holistic learning with our Reasoning Olympiad Book which comprises
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
1. Matching Pairs
2. Odd One Out
3. What Comes Next
4. Coding-Decoding
5. Alphabet & Word Formation Test
6. Complete the Figure
7. Hidden Figures
8. Counting of Figures
9. Grouping of Figures
10. Mirror Images
11. Position & Comparison Test
12. Find Direction