Learn how to use the grammatical knowledge to write good sentence and comprehensive paragraphs with our Class 9 Bloom English Olympiad Study Book. With its huge variety of questions designed keeping in mind all school and competitive examinations, our English Olympiad Book prepares you for great language skills which are essential for success in all other subjects and fields. Get our Class 9 Bloom English Olympiad Study Book which gives you everything that you need to become a great linguist at one place with its
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
Grammar & Vocabulary
1. Parts of speech (Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs & Modals, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Conjunctions)
2. Subject Verb Agreement
3. Tenses
4. Clauses & Conditionals
5. Collocations
6. Voices (Active & Passive Voice)
7. Direct & Indirect Speech
8. Jumbled Sentences
9. Synonyms & Antonyms
10. One Word Substitutions
11. Idioms & Phrases
12. Clause Test
13. Verbal Ability (Situations Reaction Tests; SRTs, Drawing Conclusion & Inferences)
Reading Comprehension
1. Any Passage (Factual or Discursive)
2. Paragraph
3. Story
Writing Skills
1. Paragraph Writing
2. Message Writing
3. Letter Writing
4. Notice Writing
5. Diary Entry
6. Report Writing
7. Advertisement Writing
8. Article Writing
9. Speech Writing
10. Debate
Communication Skills
1. Spoken & Written Expression
2. Dialogue Completion
3. Telephonic Conversation
4. Responding to a Situation etc.