Curated with special focus on building Analytical judgment, Cognitive abilities, Problem solving and Decision making skills, Class 12 Bloom Political Science Olympiad Study Book is a study resource that assesses your Political knowledge and encourages you to participate in activities that will build that knowledge. With our Political Science Olympiad book your scope of knowledge expands and you become a well-informed, opinionated individual who can lead the world towards a better future. Build this future with the Bloom Political Science Olympiad Study Book For Class 12 that includes
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
- The End of Bipolarity
- New Centres of Power
- Contemporary South Asia
- United Nations and its Organisations
- Security in Contemporary World
- Environment and Natural Resources
- Globalisation
- Challenges of Nation-Building
- Planned Development
- India’s Foreign Policy
- Parties and Party System in India
- Democratic Resurgence
- Regional Aspirations
- Indian Politics : Recent Trends and Development