While knowledge about the nation social setup is essential, some international events and phenomenon hold great importance making it crucial for all of us to know about it. Assess your knowledge and learn more about these international events in detail with our Bloom SST Olympiad Study Book for class 9. With a variety of questions on different important topics, our SST Olympiad Book nurtures greater understanding of our political system and geography with
- Chapterwise Exercises carrying Objective Questions
- 2 Practice Sets for the quick revision
- Hints & Solutions for clearer understanding
- The French Revolution
- Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution
- Nazism and the Rise of Hitler
- Forest Society, Colonialism and Pastoralists in the Modern World
- Size, Location and Physical Features of India
- Drainage
- Climate
- Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
- Population
- What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
- Constitutional Design and Democratic Rights
- Electoral Politics and Working of Institutions
- The Story of Village Palampur
- People as Resources
- Poverty as a Challenge and Food Security in India